Yoga with love

Nicole Weathers

Nicole discovered yoga while working as a Registered Nurse in the operating room of a busy New York City hospital. The long hours on her feet and busy shifts began to take a toll; she experienced lower back pain and anxiety. She tried yoga as a means to cope with the demands of the job, but what she gained was a way of life.

For Nicole, yoga is all about healing from the inside out. Her hope is to partner with her students to connect their mind and body using the core concepts of yoga: meditation (dhyana), breath (pranayama), and physical postures (asana).

Nicole was trained in Vinyasa Yoga and received her RYT200 at Black Swan Yoga in Houston, TX in 2022.

You can take her excellent class live on Tuesdays (coming fall 2024), and/or search for Nicole in the on-demand video library.

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