High quality, safe, accessible, and equitable teaching of yoga. This is at the heart of Yoga Alliance, and my pledge to you. I am a Yoga Alliance certified teacher.
The designations mean that I’ve trained beyond the basic level. I have more than 500 hours of training. The “E” indicates that I’m experienced; I’ve taught more than 2000 hours. (Whew, that’s a lot of classes.) I am also qualified to share my knowledge with other teachers who seek continuing education.
My training—in the past and ongoing—informs all of my classes. Together, we explore healthy movement that pays attention to our unique bodies. We begin with the traditions of Ashtanga and Iyengar, but apply modern, science-based knowledge to adapt to contemporary living.
I have been blessed to study with these extraordinary teachers. May I honour them and their teachings by sharing it with you:
And… fun, informative, and intensive teacher training weekends:
While I’ve always practiced online with Jason Crandell, and I have taught university classes in a digital environment for years, I never taught yoga online until the world was hit with the COVID-19 pandemic. I quickly immersed myself into a course, and began offering classes via Zoom.
Practicing in your own space is heavenly, and convenient. For those who want to connect with others, there’s opportunity at the beginning and end of classes. And, as always, I am available for individual discussions.
Thank you for such a great yoga session! The participants really enjoyed it today and seeing your face & everyone else! We just wanted to share how appreciative of you we are, and how we look forward to Wednesdays each week!
DiDi’s yoga is one of our great highlights during our annual winter Zipolite stay. Her thematic approach makes for a challenging, fun and dynamic class. DiDi’s morning classes are the best thing to get the blood, senses and energy going for the rest of the day. Can’t wait for the next class with DiDi! Much love from NYC.
Throughly enjoying Didi's yoga classes via Zoom! It is nice to have something special to look forward to while being stuck at home. Although I miss practicing in person with everyone, it is so easy to fit exercise into the day when you do not need to leave the house but you also have supportive people waiting for you in the virtual world!
I am grateful for you and Amy continuing to come into my live to give me a weekly dose of love and community. Time to make me stop, regroup and take care of me for a few minutes???? I would send hearts too if I could.
DiDi, I always feel centred, energized, calm and cleansed after one of your yoga classes. In a word, splendid!
An eight-week yoga series designed to improve pelvic floor health for both men and women. Tuesdays @10:30 am CDT.
Part strengthening, part vinyasa movement, part stretching. Three in one. TRI! WEDNESDAYS 9:30-10:30 am CDT
Access stiff and stuck parts with the use of rolling tools, and therapeutic postures that are supported by soft pillows/bolsters, cozy blankets and blocks. Quiet your mind to release deeply held tensions. No prior yoga experience is needed. THURSDAYS 4:30-5:40 pm CDT