Yoga with love

High quality, safe, accessible, and equitable teaching of yoga...

High quality, safe, accessible, and equitable teaching of yoga. This is at the heart of Yoga Alliance, and my pledge to you. I am a Yoga Alliance certified teacher.

The designations mean that I’ve trained beyond the basic level. I have more than 500 hours of training. The “E” indicates that I’m experienced; I’ve taught more than 2000 hours. (Whew, that’s a lot of classes.) I am also qualified to share my knowledge with other teachers who seek continuing education.

My training—in the past and ongoing—informs all of my classes. Together, we explore healthy movement that pays attention to our unique bodies. We begin with the traditions of Ashtanga and Iyengar, but apply modern, science-based knowledge to adapt to contemporary living.

I have been blessed to study with these extraordinary teachers. May I honour them and their teachings by sharing it with you:

  • How to Teach Yoga Online” with the Institute of Yoga Sport Sciences” (2020; 20 hours).
  • Advanced Yoga Teacher Training with Nancy Wile of the Yoga Education Institute (2019-2020; 300 hours). Hatha yoga.
  • Advanced Yoga Teacher Training with Jason Crandell (2018; 100 hours). Ashtanga- and Iyengar-influenced.
  • Yoga Teacher Training with Hart Lazer (2012-13; 300 hours). Ashtanga- and Iyengar-influenced.
  • Therapeutic Yoga with Kine Røst. Healthy back intensive workshops (2012-5).
  • The Art of Yoga Sequencing with Jason Crandell (2014-15; 35 hours).

And… fun, informative, and intensive teacher training weekends:

  • Uriel MacGillvary: Myofacial Anatomy
  • Kelly Donald: Yogassage (Fall 2015)
  • Coeli Marsh
  • Eoin Finn
  • Kathryn Budig

While I’ve always practiced online with Jason Crandell, and I have taught university classes in a digital environment for years, I never taught yoga online until the world was hit with the COVID-19 pandemic. I quickly immersed myself into a course, and began offering classes via Zoom.

Practicing in your own space is heavenly, and convenient. For those who want to connect with others, there’s opportunity at the beginning and end of classes. And, as always, I am available for individual discussions.

What my Students Say

Our Classes & Workshops

Pelvic Floor Reset: 8 Weeks to Stronger Foundations

An eight-week yoga series designed to improve pelvic floor health for both men and women. Tuesdays @10:30 am CDT.

Tri Yoga

Part strengthening, part vinyasa movement, part stretching. Three in one. TRI! WEDNESDAYS 9:30-10:30 am CDT

Yin & Restorative

Access stiff and stuck parts with the use of rolling tools, and therapeutic postures that are supported by soft pillows/bolsters, cozy blankets and blocks. Quiet your mind to release deeply held tensions. No prior yoga experience is needed. THURSDAYS 4:30-5:40 pm CDT

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