Yoga with love

about being bendy.

It’s about showing up to your mat consistently not knowing what is going to happen and to be o.k. with that. It’s about rehabilitating yourself and not believing “the experts” when they say you are too injured or too old. It’s about believing that you can do anything, even if it’s the most scariest, impossible thing you could ever dream of. It’s about uncovering who you really are. It’s about being kind to yourself so that you can be kind to others. Yoga is about discovering that most of the crazy thoughts in your head are not true. It’s about being healthy without pushing yourself to your limit. It’s about slowing down to get strong. It’s about breathing, and moving, and smiling on the inside. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but also the best.

I’m not sure who wrote the above passage, but I agree with it. And, I’m happy I saw it on my Pintrest feed just now. I needed it after leading a class in which I really screwed up. I was so unfocused, and I know why. I need to forgive myself, and move on. I need to get on my mat to do my own practice. I will teach again in two days, and it will be completely different. I’ve learned that over seven years of teaching. That is what yoga does for me. (Thank you whomever you are for writing these wise words. I am grateful for the reminder, and hope that my students and followers find inspiration in this post.)

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5 years ago

Love all ways – always????

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